In GKids your kids grades 1st-2nd learn to have an everyday relationship with Jesus. There, we create a fun environment that captures a child’s attention & imagination. Each week, Bible stories come to life through video, music, activities, and more.
GKids SCHEDULE (K5-2nd Grade)
9:15a - Bible lesson, worship and games
10:20a - Check-in at counter in children's area
10:30a - Large Group Worship & Small Groups
End of Service - Check-out at counter in children’s area
Moms and Dads, you are essential in helping your children grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- Encourage your children to attend EVERY WEEK. The lessons build on each other, so your child won’t want to miss.
- Be sure they arrive on time — 9:15am is when we begin, and your child shouldn’t miss even the beginning. Our 9:15 and 10:30 curriculum work together to build a strong biblical foundation for your child.
- There are many resources in our Resource Center to help you as parents be strong spiritual leaders to your family. You can also download the ParentCue App (iPhone/Android).
- To avoid the distraction to your child & others, please discourage your child from bringing their electronics and toys to church. These may be removed from your child for the morning if they are interfering with your child’s participation and learning.
- Be sure to fill out a Family Registration Form and return it to the Check-in counter. This will alert us of any allergies or special medication your child needs, and give us a way to reach you in case of emergency.
Children begin GKids the second Sunday in August when they have started 1st grade.
Questions about GKids? Click here