In GPreKids, your preschoolers age 2-5 discover the basic stories of God’s word in a creative and relevant way. Each week, Bible stories come to life through video, music, activities, and more.
GPreKids SCHEDULE (2&3’s - K5)
9:15 Bible Story, Songs, Crafts and a light snack.
10:20a Bible Story, Songs, Crafts and a light snack.
End of Service Check-out at classrooms. Bring your sticker.
Moms and Dads, you are essential in helping your children grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- Encourage your children to attend EVERY WEEK. The lessons build on each other, so your child won’t want to miss.
- Be sure they arrive on time — 9:15am is when we begin, and your child shouldn’t miss even the beginning. Our 9:15 and 10:30 curriculum work together to build a strong biblical foundation for your child.
- There are many resources to help you as parents be strong spiritual leaders to your family. Download the ParentCue App (iPhone/Android), it is full of helpful resources.
- To avoid distractions in GKids, please discourage your child from bringing their phones and/or toys to church.
- Be sure to fill out a Family Registration Form and return it to the Check-in counter. This will alert us of any allergies or special medication your child needs, and give us a way to reach you in case of emergency.
Children begin GPreKids - 2&3’s class in August following their second birthday, and are promoted to K4-K5 in August according to their grade in school.
Questions about GPreKids? Click here