In GBabies, your children age 0-2 experience the love of Jesus in a clean, caring environment. Should you need to keep your child with you during the service, a cry room is located just off the gymnasium, to the right of the stage. Because this room has been equipped with a speaker, the service can be heard clearly without the concern that your child is being a distraction to others in the service.
Moms and Dads, you are essential in helping create a clean, safe nursery.
- Please label all of your child’s belongings clearly.
- Do not take your child to the nursery if they have fever (within previous 24 hours), vomiting, diarrhea, persistent nasal drainage (green or yellow in color), common cold, sore throat, unexplained rash, skin infection, pink eye or other eye infection, or any symptom of a childhood disease, such as scarlet fever, German measles, mumps or chicken pox
- Be sure to fill out a Family Registration Form and return it to the Check-in counter. This will alert us of any allergies or special medication your child needs, and give us a way to reach you in case of emergency.
- Check out at classrooms. Bring your parent sticker!
Children begin GPreKids - 2&3’s class in August following their second birthday.
Questions about GBabies? Click here