What's a KGroup?
The "K" comes from the New Testament word "Koinonia" which means "joint participation". These small groups are where we share our lives together in biblical community.

KGroups give members of Grace Church the opportunity to get close enough to really know other Jesus-followers and live out the truth of the gospel in their daily lives.  

The gospel is lived out by caring and sharing, challenging and supporting, confiding and confessing, forgiving and be forgiven, laughing and weeping, being accountable to one other, and watching over each other as the group grows closer to Jesus.

KGroups are home-based Bible studies that meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00p, and on Sundays at various times throughout the day. They have a casual format, allowing you to develop friendships while growing spiritually.

Have children? -- They can be growing spiritually, too. For the Wednesday night groups, we offer nursery, Awana, and Student Ministries provided at the church for children up through grade 12. On other nights we offer childcare for kids up to 5th grade.

You don’t have to wait to be invited, or for a new group to start. If you’re not yet in a group, look over the KGroups list to find out more about a group, or contact the church office.

*KGroups break during the summer and resume in the fall.